Medical Update LOL

Hi whats up guys!

So… I went to immunology specialist to get my allergy test. Unfortunately, my asthma was pretty bad that day, they need to postpone my test until my breathing is more normal (next appointment will be in December :/ ). They think that I dont have any allergy that causes my hives. Instead, it was just my immune cells (Mast cells) acting up, but they need to check to reconfirm their hypothesis. I am getting better (I think) as I can breath more normally these days. However, that being said, I dont think I can continue the translation for a while as I am still not a 100% well and I am also busy writing paperwork.



9 thoughts on “Medical Update LOL

  1. Whatever the diagnosis is, it’s great that you are feeling better! Hope it ends up clearing up on its own – maybe it was just stress-induced? Anyhow, please keep us updated in December 😘 wishing you good health!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi, I wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed your novel translations, and wish you well as you rest and recover.

    I also had severe allergies for a while – hives every day, swelling, etc. – from food allergies, environmental allergies, etc., and thanks to seeing an allergy specialist regularly, getting custom allergy injections and prescription allergy medication through my allergist’s prescribed regimen, my allergens eventually went away and only flare up when it’s regular spring and summer grass and ragweed seasons. If you can’t see the allergy specialist for a while, perhaps your family doctor can recommend you take over-the-counter allergy meds to control your symptoms until you can take the next step with your health?

    I really enjoyed reading your c-drama and k-drama favs in your last post. I haven’t watched asian dramas in decades, but once I accidentally watched 10 Miles of Peach Blossoms, it reminded me how good HK dramas used to be, and made me realize how good some c-dramas have become. That led me to shushengbar (website currently not online), and then novel updates and then to your translations.

    Thanks again for your work and making these great novels available to an English reading audience! I hope you get better soon.


    • Yes they prescribed me symbicort and prednisolone so I can take it whenever bad flare ups occur. I also use otc antihistamine. Thx for the best wishes. I will try to come back ASAP, but most likely I will be back in the summer (Australia) so around January xD


  3. Get well soon nutty,,,i’m your stories’s big fans. I always come to this web to read the stories. Despite this is my first time to put a comment here. Take your time to recuperate well.


  4. It’s sad to know you are not well….
    Hope to see you well and actively translating soon….


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