Welcome to my blog

Hi everyone,


Welcome to my blog!

I am starting up this project to translate some C-novel to improve my Chinese as well as my communication skill. As both languages are not my mother-tongue, please be considerate about my writing and interpretation quality. I am also a fulltime research student, which have a lot of things to do in the lab. Therefore, it is not possible for me to update the blog very often, I will try to post a chapter part every week, but please don’t hold your breath. There will be the time when I will be on hiatus (for holiday or writing paper). That’s it for now. Nice meeting you.

P.S. feel free to correct my grammar or interpretation 🙂



4 thoughts on “Welcome to my blog

  1. Thank you. Thank you !! I really love this story so far and wanted to continue reading it. I had found it in Chinese and thought I would try using some different translation programs, but since I don’t know any Chinese, it was a mess and I couldn’t get any of the names of people or places correct. I’m used to doing French to English only. I look forward to reading more. Again, thanks😀


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